Hi, I’m Michelle and I’m a certified birth doula located in Los Angeles County. I’m excited to talk to you about how I can help you have the kind of birth experience you want.

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What is a Doula?
A doula is a person who is trained to offer one-on-one physical and emotional support during labor and childbirth as well as offer information and preparation before labor to birthing persons and their partners.
the role of the doula is outside of the role of medical caregiver or personal partner, but an objective, trained person whose job is to be present to the birthing person and help them to make their own choices and have the best birth experience as defined by the birthing person’s own preferences. Research has shown that the presence of a birth doula helps a laboring person’s outcomes in a variety of ways including a reduced risk of cesarean section, a decreased likelihood of use of any medications during labor, an increased likelihood of a shorter labor, and ultimately increases their chance of having a positive memory of their birth experience. Doulas are valuable in empowering the birthing person and allowing the birthing person to feel connected and secure.
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