
First: A Complimentary interview where you can ask questions and see if we are a good fit. If you decide you would like to work with me, you will get the following.


Unlimited email/phone support

I will provide some preparation materials and resources as well as unlimited email, text, or phone support leading up to your birth.

Prenatal Support

We will schedule 2 prenatal visits where we get familiar with each other, clarify your birth goals, and help you craft a personalized birth plan. We will review some of the logistics of birth and may practice some comfort measures. We may also explore some of the psychological aspects of preparing for birth, examining any fears, concerns, or triggers you may have.

Labor support

I will be on call for your labor starting at 38 weeks. If you request for me to join you in labor, I will be there providing continuous support to you and your partner until up to 2 hours after your baby is born and can offer some support for breastfeeding and bonding.

Postpartum Visit

1 postpartum visit within the first 2 weeks of your baby’s life to check in with how you and your family are doing, to talk about your experience of your birth and with your baby if you would like to.

If you are interested in working with me please contact me for pricing and more information.